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Looking to Scarp Island and its Rocket Post
Scarp is a small now uninhabited island. It lies just 200m at low tide from Harris on the west coast, near Hushinish. On the path to a beach I bumped into a couple who told me the story of its postal service by the pioneering German rocketeer Gerhard Zucker.
Road to Hushinish
Road? It’s really a 12 mile single track “B” grade metalled or tarred road to an alcove of unspoilt Harris beauty. Hushinish the most westerly point on Harris and Lewis emits a contented solitude that envelops. Your worries calm, soaking in a landscape as devils fall from the shoulder. Inhale and rejuvenate over and over. The back is straight. Head rises as eyes blink clear, lungs fill then walk anew. Carrying no burden. Becoming a sprite upon the beach.
Isle of Harris
Isle of Harris Scotland has the oldest rocks in Europe, some over 3,000m years ago which is around two-thirds as old as the Earth itself. Lewisian Gneiss is the most common and was formed from volcanism and bending and stretching of the Earths crust then exposed by glaciers, oceans and weather. Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey used Harris as a backdrop for Jupiter. Yup, outta this world!
Blade, Rock and Bows
This is a random collection of blade, rock and bows photographed on Harris.
Eilean Glas Lighthouse on Scalpay
Eilean Glas Lighthouse on the island of Scalpay is a gem. Tower of red and white gloss painted brickwork surrounded by dishevelled outbuildings and a huge rusty fog horn. It lies north west of the northern most top of Skye protecting shipping from the turbulent Minch waters.
Harris Scotland
North Harris Scotland is another slice of nice. Rainbows, rain and sunshine bring out so much definition in landscape photography. A bridge in the east links to Scalpay, an island of around 300 people that includes the lighthouse at Eilan Glas. More photography of that soon.