Tag: flowers

  • Summer Flower Detail

    Final batch from this late summer flower period in the garden.

    John_Lamont_JLP 35


  • Isle of Cumbrae

    Isle of Cumbrae

    This is a very special island for my chapter of the Clan Lamont. As youngsters we spent our summer holidays from morning until belly-rumbles in the evening with no adult supervision. This is a stark contrast to freedoms young people experience today. Being a parent from mid-nineties onwards I don’t think millennials live with regret or have feelings of missing out. For me that the total freedom I enjoyed on an island 2.5 miles long by 1.2 miles wide in the Clyde estuary formed many happy memories for which I am very thankful. (more…)

  • Summer photographs from the garden

    Summer photographs from the garden

    Another batch of colour and detail with summer photographs from the garden in late summer. Mother nature can look glorious when you get close to the bugs and flowers.





    Summer photographs from the garden
    Summer photographs from the garden

















    More flower detail

  • Summer around Gartmorn dam

    Summer around Gartmorn dam

    I know its summer and this being a very wet one so dry and sunny pictures are scarce. So from 2011 enjoy these summer photographs around Gartmorn dam near Alloa, Clackmannanshire. The dam is an emergency backup water reserve should the many dams higher-up in the Ochils should run dry. Hah! Like thats ever going to happen.

    Over the past many years I have many photographs of the wildlife and greenery around this little heaven of nature. Each visit tells you how the seasons are constantly putting an arm around mother nature and helping her flow through the year. In all weathers.


  • Nature under the knife

    Nature under the knife

    Something different today. A dark still life dissection of mother nature.
    Click images & arrow keys to navigate. I’m becoming more interested in using visuals to say something. To give them a voice. Its almost like I can capture the likeness of someone for others to treasure in a portrait, or manufacture a scene to make a point. Is the camera a two-way mirror, two perspectives ?

  • Spring outside a monumental little secret

    Spring outside a monumental little secret

    Last year I wrote about how visiting The Church of Holy Rude in Stirling was surprising. While the car was being serviced I spent an hour wandering around the outside of the church. I have no fasciation for graveyards, but the textures and symbolism was so strong (as were the snowdrops) my iphone was deployed.