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Tag: politics
No Representation Without Participation
Felt like a student tonight. Something agitates your balance and forces you into fight or Netflix or Channel 4 as it was back then. So it is now. I can’t sit back, ignore or change channel. ‘Something must be done’ has bitten so I’m off to London town to register my displeasure. Brexit is an…
Decline of Political Media
Don’t worry, I’m keeping my voting intention private. Tomorrow the United Kingdom votes representatives who create a new House of Commons in the Palace of Westminster, City of Westminster within the City of London. I’ve heard that Politics is ‘show business for ugly people’ and dislike the unflattery, but acting? Every 4-5 years they lose their job, cease being Members of Parliament and downgrade…
A penciled cross in Scotland
Scotland votes tomorrow to answer the question “Should Scotland be an independent Country?”. I would not tell you which way to vote, we all have our own journeys to make. This is a walk through my glen of doubt. First let me give background. Generally I subscribe to a Billy Connolly world view. Despite skin colour, language, religion, sexual…
Righteousness endures…
…long after the fear has been forgotten.