
Hello there.

  • Nature under the knife

    Nature under the knife

    Something different today. A dark still life dissection of mother nature. Click images & arrow keys to navigate. I’m becoming more interested in using visuals to say something. To give them a voice. Its almost like I can capture the likeness of someone for others to treasure in a portrait, or manufacture a scene to…

  • Spring outside a monumental little secret

    Spring outside a monumental little secret

    Last year I wrote about how visiting The Church of Holy Rude in Stirling was surprising. While the car was being serviced I spent an hour wandering around the outside of the church. I have no fasciation for graveyards, but the textures and symbolism was so strong (as were the snowdrops) my iphone was deployed.  

  • Storm brewing over Stirling

    Storm brewing over Stirling

    Click on the photograph and navigate using arrows at bottom or press LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys. With Autumn approaching the first storm over Central Scotland terrified children and pets alike. My youngest son decided he is no longer scared of storms so off to Poppy’s Hill we went to Storm watch. Missed the light…

  • Stirling’s monumental little secret

    Stirling’s monumental little secret

    I have visited many churches and this one is stunning. The 14th century timber roof beams, graphic windows, and an organ to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. Fine buildings become special when the people who own, run and maintain them not only appreciate their wonder, but share it freely…

  • Thomas Coats Memorial Church

    Thomas Coats Memorial Church

    I’ll keep this light on words as i think this building speaks for itself. This is Coats Memorial Church in Paisley, Renfrewshire. As an Engineering student I sat exams in its cold interior (with a trusty tip-ex bottle of etched maths formulae), but its the gothic exterior that grabs the eye in Paisley’s High Street. …

  • Clackmannanshire Bridge, wherefor art thou earlier?

    Clackmannanshire Bridge, wherefor art thou earlier?

    The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation have given the new Clackmannanshire Bridge a “Highly Commended” in their annual awards. A perfect excuse to add my own gratitude to its existence, albeit late. I spent sixteen years travelling between Clackmannanshire and the Lothians in an earlier career. Each morning’s commute had a ten minute queue to…

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