With some Engineering skills and a 3D printer, I joined the National 3D Printing Society to create face visors for people in healthcare areas as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This is because there are severe shortages of PPE. Accountability for this must be served at a later date for those in charge, but for now lets get printing.
I have printed 221 after 3 weeks although a lot of optimising of print settings took place in the first 10 days then moving to 24×7 printing. This whole effort is a non-profit exercise from supply to delivery with the largest cost, filament used to create them. To help sustain this activity a JustGiving charitable drive is underway to finance supply of filament used in their manufacture and keep supply going.
During this pandemic, I have been tracking statistics from The Scottish Government. Credit is due because important metrics are usually buried or unpublished by large bureaucracies. Look at the UK Government site. Focusing on Scotland, you can get a great read of speed and spread of the virus.
I must first highlight that my analysis is taken from Scottish Government Covid 19 and its Open Data on Population. The data is broken down into Scottish Health Boards:

This first visualisation focuses on how the spread of the virus has been tracked through Scotland’s Health Boards. This graphic tracks the spread of tested or suspected Covid positive cases in hospital per capita of each Heath Board. Or how deep the virus has spread using hospital data.
I will publish further visuals based on the data as it develops.
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