From Tentsmuir sands a low sea perspective of washed-up items from the shoreline.
Collection of photographs of Poppy, the fantastic Golden Retriever. These were shot by John Lamont.
These were shot on an iPhone 4 in 2010 and are a good demonstration of how the iPhone camera (and others) have transformed photography. Its only weakness was wild swings in colour temperature from shot to shot, for which I corrected in this collection. These were taken around the rolling fields in Clackmannanshire at the foot of the Ochil Hills.
An early November snowstorm in that cold winter of 2010 brought bliss for Poppy. She does enjoy tearing around, burying her head in the snow and snorting the stuff up her hooter (a nose for my readers in farther bits of the earth).
I know its summer and this being a very wet one so dry and sunny pictures are scarce. So from 2011 enjoy these summer photographs around Gartmorn dam near Alloa, Clackmannanshire. The dam is an emergency backup water reserve should the many dams higher-up in the Ochils should run dry. Hah! Like thats ever going to happen.
Over the past many years I have many photographs of the wildlife and greenery around this little heaven of nature. Each visit tells you how the seasons are constantly putting an arm around mother nature and helping her flow through the year. In all weathers.
An autumn stroll above the Ochils Dollar in Clackmannanshire. Castle Campbell (aka Castle Gloom) looks over the Forth Valley. Midday sun in November brought the colours to life as a mist creeps along the river Forth in the valley below.